Query of searchkick get wrong result. I have this one record in db:
2.2.0 :047 > Product.first
#<Product id: 1, title: "Ball", description: "<p>Ball</p>\r\n", price: 10, material: "lalala", created_at: "2015-04-21 04:30:53", updated_at: "2015-04-21 04:30:53", preview: "images__1_.jpg", count: 20>
in controller Product
and action search
i have this code:
def search
@products = Product.search "*", where:
count: 10..18
and after this, a get result, that the with this values, count is exist. But in db count = 20. And all time, get wrong result. I don't know why?
I get not correct result, 'cause i don't have hash, in model and need reindex of Model.
In model:
def search_data
count: count,
price: price,
title: title,
category_id: categories.map($:id)
and after that, in rails console wrote: