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How to Update XML in SQL based on values in that XML

I have to update XML of table based on some conditions of that XML. Sample XML:

    <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
    <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
    <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
    <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
    <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
    <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
    <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>

Each Country can have multiple Places. I have to group on the basis of Country and Places, then I have to update PlaceValues to null for PlaceValue = 0 except 0 which is immediately preceding PlaceValue > 1. Example in this sample, for Country = Brazil and PlaceName = 1, PlaceValue for Month1 to Month2 will be Null but Month3 will remain 0 as its preceding Month4 which is greate than 0.


  • Basically, I see 2 ways of dealing with this. First - split xml to sql table/derived table, do your work and then combine into xml again.

    declare @data xml = 
        <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
        <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
        <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
        <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
    ;with cte as (
            t.c.value('CountryName[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as CountryName,
            t.c.value('PlaceName[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as PlaceName,
            t.c.value('Month[1]', 'int') as [Month],
            t.c.value('PlaceValue[1]', 'int') as PlaceValue
        from @data.nodes('CountryValues/CountryRow') as t(c)
            when c1.PlaceValue = 0 and isnull(c2.PlaceValue, 0) <= 1 then null
            else c1.PlaceValue
        end as PlaceValue
    from cte as c1
        left outer join cte as c2 on c2.CountryName = c1.CountryName and c2.PlaceName = c1.PlaceName and c2.[Month] = c1.[Month] + 1
    for xml path('CountryRow'), root('CountryValues')
        <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
        <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
        <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>
        <PlaceName>Place 1</PlaceName>

    Second way would be to use xquery inside the xml itself.

    The answer is really depends on what do you mean by "immediately preceding PlaceValue > 1". I've assumed here that this means - month right before month with value > 1.