I have a BananaPi running with Linux as my NAS. It is running really perfect for me. Now, I want to configure to connect it from the internet.
But, when i try to give the device a static IP address, router gave the following error message
This device is a broadcasting device and cannot have a static IP address
Does anybody know how I can avoid this problem so that my NAS has a static IP ?
I don't want to turn DHCP in my network off because I have a huge amount of devices connected and I don't want to manage all my addresses manually.
Thank you.
In your network you can keep running a DHCP server. But if you like to set an static IP to an device, you have to disable the DHCP client on the device.
Take a look at /etc/network
Or look at this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/327412/is-there-a-safe-way-to-disable-dhcp-from-command-line
Btw. Stackoverflow is not the right platform to ask admininstration-specific questions.