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Activeadmin and Formtastic with HStore column

I am unable to edit or add a new model in activeadmin that has an HStore column due to the following error.

Unable to find input class for hstore

How can I get activeadmin and formtastic to play nice with my HStore column? This question has been asked but I cannot find a definitive answer that allows for adding and editing of the hstore field.

I have used these references so far

With latest activeadmin (which uses ransack instead of meta_search) it's possible to define a custom ransacker for hstore field in a model:

class Room < ActiveRecord::Base
  store_accessor :options, :amenities

  ransacker :amenities do |parent|'->', parent.table[:options], 'amenities')

Then it can be used in activeadmin for filtering:

ActiveAdmin.register Room do
  filter :amenities_eq, label: 'Amenities', as: :select # ...

Filter activeadmin with hstore



  • For anyone who happens to stumble across this, I was able to use the activeadmin_hstore_editor gem for this purpose, which gives a way to input arbitrary json into an input field.