I just used bootstrap-switch - v3.3.1, I don't need the border radius so I set border-radius:0 !important;
to .bootstrap-switch.bootstrap-switch-focused
like this: http://jsfiddle.net/q2zEk/1/.
.bootstrap-switch.bootstrap-switch-focused {
border-color: #cacaca;
outline: none !important;;
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
border-radius: 0 !important;
But we can see that there are a small radius border inside the switcher.
How can I change the entire switcher to square border, without affecting the global switchers.
I solve the problem by setting :
/**wrapper border*/
border-radius: 0px;
/**on/off border**/
.bootstrap-switch .bootstrap-switch-handle-on , .bootstrap-switch-handle-off {
border-radius: 0px !important;
Here is the DEMO