I would like to know if its possible to make a jsPlumb container draggable.
If you click and drag on the container(not on an element) it moves as a unit being able to focus on different parts or elements of this container.
E.g. a flow-chart like the example in their web page;
and i want the whole container to move if i click and drag so that all elements inside move as well.
You can play with this example. First push the New container button, then the New cell inside container. You can drag the container as well as the cells inside it.
var instanceRegistry = [];
var containerRegistry = [];
var cellRegistry = [];
$(function() {
var endpointOptions = {
isSource: true,
isTarget: true
function newContainer() {
var containerIndex = "container" + (containerRegistry.length + 1);
.attr('id', containerIndex)
containment: 'mainContainer',
cursor: 'move'
var containerInstance = jsPlumb.getInstance({
Container: containerIndex,
Endpoint: [ // The default Endpoint definition.
'Dot', // Endpoint type
{ // Endpoint type options
radius: 6, // Defines the radius of the dot
cssClass: 'cell-endpoint' // A CSS class to attach to the element the Endpoint creates
PaintStyle: { // The default appearance of a Connector
strokeStyle: '#2e6f9a', // color for a Connector
lineWidth: 2 // width of a Connector's line
function newCell(event) {
var $container = $(event.target).parent();
var cellIndex = "cell" + (cellRegistry.length + 1);
.attr('id', cellIndex);
var num = containerRegistry.indexOf($container.attr('id'));
var instance = instanceRegistry[num];
instance.draggable(cellIndex, {
containment: $container,
cursor: 'move'
instance.addEndpoint(cellIndex, {anchor: "Top"}, endpointOptions);
instance.addEndpoint(cellIndex, {anchor: "Right"}, endpointOptions);
instance.addEndpoint(cellIndex, {anchor: "Bottom"}, endpointOptions);
instance.addEndpoint(cellIndex, {anchor: "Left"}, endpointOptions);