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get a phone number's international prefix from a country code in python

Is it possible to use python-phonenumbers or another python lib to get a country calling code from a two letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)?

The examples in the phonenumbers lib focus on extracting a country code from a number, but I'd like to do the opposite, something like:

"US" -> "1" "GB" -> "44" "CL" -> "56"


  • I don't know of any python lib for this, but here's a csv with all ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes and their number prefixes, it should be trivial to look it up from there:

    import csv
    country_to_prefix = {}
    with open("countrylist.csv") as csvfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
        for row in reader:
            country_to_prefix[row["ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code"]] = row["ITU-T Telephone Code"]
    print country_to_prefix["US"] # +1
    print country_to_prefix["GB"] # +44
    print country_to_prefix["CL"] # +56

    edit: The above link has gone down, but I've found a repository with that data (and more) on Github.