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Problems using ActiveMQ + activemessaging gem in ruby

I have AMQ + Activemessaging running in a Rails App.

I'm facing a problem with activemessaging not acting on messages when they are received. This is solved once i restart the client. Apparently, it works for a while but not sure when it stops acting weirdly.

This is resulting in loss of messages as they are being read, the Stomp client is configured with :ack => true acknowledges the reception of the message, yet, none of the data is available when the message is sent.

Is anyone facing a similar problem or using an alternative for Activemessaging?

Do you have a working scenario using AMQ + Ruby?



  • This is an old thread, but just wanted to mention that the active messaging gem had a bug where it was not renewing the connections - it was working for older versions of Rails, but broke somewhere around 2.1. It is now working again.