I have the following documentation:
* Creates a Mortgage account
* {@inheritdoc}
* @param string $closingDate the date from which the mortgage starts accumulating interest and payments begin.
function __construct($principle,$term,$interest,$compoundFrequency,$amortization,$closingDate)
When I ctrl+Q in phpstorm for the quickdoc i get the following
My additional documentation seems to be completely ignored.
Is it possible to have the parent documentation as well as the additional child info display in phpstorm when using ctrl+Q ?
Is it possible to have the parent documentation as well as the additional child info display in phpstorm when using ctrl+Q ?
Unfortunately not (there is no separate options for that or anything like that).
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-23395 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on progress.
Accordingly to the ticket status it is planned to be resolved in PhpStorm v9.