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Windows Phone 8.1 Xmal With Azure Mobile Service Deployment Error: [MissingManifestResource_NoPRIresources]

I am using Azure Mobile Service Offline with Windows Phone 8.1 (XAML).

When I am using app with debug mode it is working fine.

But, If i create package with Release mode. It Throw an error.

and that is [MissingManifestResource_NoPRIresources]

enter image description here Currently I am using Following references in my Project

<Reference Include="GalaSoft.MvvmLight">
<Reference Include="GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Extras">
<Reference Include="GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Platform">
<Reference Include="Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation">
<Reference Include="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile">
<Reference Include="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Ext">
<Reference Include="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.SQLiteStore">
<Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json">
<Reference Include="SQLitePCL">
<Reference Include="System.Net.Http.Extensions">
<Reference Include="System.Net.Http.Primitives">
<Reference Include="WinRTXamlToolkit">


  • It got resolved when we update to Azure Mobile Services Managed SDK: Version 1.3.2

    Thanks lindydonna