I'm looking for an ADO.net 2.0 or later provider for Sybase database which seems to be known as Sybase ASE. To clarify, I'm interested in ASE, and not SQL Anywhere. Hopefully the provider will be included with the database, or free.
I can find mention of an ADO.net 1.1 provider; that's not what I want.
I can find mention of ODBC drivers and OLEDB providers; that's not what I want.
I've found the DataDirect ADO.net providers which are paid for; I guess that's the fallback position.
Thanks for your help
This question is fairly old but it seems to have gotten easier to get the ADO Connector.
You should then be able perform queries, updates etc. in .NET by following the directions from here: http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.help.sdk_12.5.1.adonet/html/adonet/DAFJEFIF.htm