i am looking for a way to get the post_type into a wordpress permalink structure - especially considering custom post_type's defined by my own plugin.
is there an easy way to do that, or do you know any decent documents about wordpress url handling / redirection (codex seems to lack a bit on the rewriting side of things).
It seems that if you use any permalink structure besides the default, then you end up getting a permalink structure of /post_type/post_name.
So, if I registered the post_type 'video' it would be http://yourdomain.com/video/post_name
If you're using the default permalink, then obviously it doesn't matter because you'll just have ?id=123 or whatever. (Though, you can specify post_type as a query_var, which can be useful in your theme.)
As a sidenote, it seems ridiculously difficult to try and override WP's default URL routing, and you COULD do it by using some of the actions and filters... but the above should work for what you are wanting.