Table Master
| Name | ID |
| A | 1 |
| B | 2 |
| C | 3 |
Table Detail
| masterID | det |
| 1 | 21 |
| 1 | 31 |
| 1 | 442 |
| 1 | 76 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 2 | 90 |
| 3 | 48 |
| 3 | 56 |
| 3 | 109 |
Requested result: Do a join and concatenation but limit the number of concatenated values to X (here 2) and if it's more then create a new row. for example the expected result from above will be:
| Name | dets |
| A | 21, 31 |
| A | 442, 76|
| B | 1, 90 |
| C | 48, 56 |
| C | 109 |
Using the below code I can get all the result concatenated however I need help about how to limit the number of records concatenated :
SELECT Master.Name,
SELECT ','+Detail.det
FROM Detail
WHERE Master.ID = Detail.masterID
FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)')
FROM Master
Also created the SQLFiddle for it :!6/a1b69/1/0
Use row_number()
and integer division to create a key that increments for every other row. Do that in a CTE and use the CTE in the main query and the for xml query.
MS SQL Server 2014 Schema Setup:
create table Master
Name varchar(10),
ID int
create table Detail
masterID int,
det varchar(10)
insert into Master values
('A', 1),
('B', 2),
('C', 3);
insert into Detail values
(1, 21 ),
(1, 31 ),
(1, 442),
(1, 76 ),
(2, 1 ),
(2, 90 ),
(3, 48 ),
(3, 56 ),
(3, 109);
Query 1:
with C as
select M.Name,
(row_number() over(partition by D.masterID order by D.det) - 1) / 2 as rn
from dbo.Detail as D
inner join dbo.Master as M
on D.masterID = M.ID
select C.Name,
stuff ((select ', ' + D.det
from C as D
where C.masterID = D.masterID and
C.rn = D.rn
for xml path(''), type).value('text()[1]', 'varchar(max)'), 1, 2, '')
from C
group by C.masterID,
| Name | |
| A | 21, 31 |
| A | 442, 76 |
| B | 1, 90 |
| C | 109, 48 |
| C | 56 |