So I have been playing with bitcoin-qt and python. Bitcoin uses json-rpc. I managed to extract the raw data from bitcoin-qt using python but have absolutely no idea how I can extract individual parts of the data and store it in a variable.
My python code is as follow:
from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
import json
access = AuthServiceProxy("http://user:[email protected]:8332")
print access.getinfo()
And the raw data output looks like this:
{u'connections': 15, u'errors': u'', u'blocks': 352896, u'paytxfee':
Decimal('0E-8'), u'keypoololdest': 1407840711, u'walletversion': 60000, u'difficulty': Decimal('47610564513.47126007'), u'testnet': False, u'version': 100000, u'proxy': u'', u'protocolversion': 70002, u'timeoffset': -1, u'balance': Decimal('0.00099760'), u'relayfee': Decimal('0.00001000'), u'keypoolsize': 101}
Lets say I want to extract the balance, from this data, how do I do that?
Access by the key, you may also need to import Decimal:
from decimal import Decimal
So just assign to the value returned:
bal, pay_tax = access.getinfo()["balance"], access.getinfo()["paytxfee"]