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Python - Launch a Long Running Process from a Web App

I have a python web application that needs to launch a long running process. The catch is I don't want it to wait around for the process to finish. Just launch and finish.

I'm running on windows XP, and the web app is running under IIS (if that matters).

So far I tried popen but that didn't seem to work. It waited until the child process finished.


  • Ok, I finally figured this out! This seems to work:

    from subprocess import Popen
    from win32process import DETACHED_PROCESS
    pid = Popen(["C:\python24\python.exe", ""],creationflags=DETACHED_PROCESS,shell=True).pid
    print pid
    print 'done' 
    #I can now close the console or anything I want and continues!

    Note: I added shell=True. Otherwise calling print in the child process gave me the error "IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"

    DETACHED_PROCESS is a Process Creation Flag that is passed to the underlying WINAPI CreateProcess function.