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How to escape Illegal Character '|'

Url which I am using to parse a document read using Json is:|GsCYVGBJKs5N_O1AX9XrrsulrWc

which is throwing IllegalArgumentException:

04-19 23:08:02.220: E/AndroidRuntime(17068): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in query at index 76:|GsCYVGBJKs5N_O1AX9XrrsulrWc

when I am trying to encode the url using urlEncoder.encode() it is causing another exception:

04-20 11:43:16.280: W/System.err(31984): Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname


  • when I am trying to encode the url

    Don't URL encode the whole URL. Just encode the parts, for example the value part of access_token. That should turn the | to %7c.