I'm having a little trouble with getting the correct speed out of my Python OBD2 reading program. It stays at 13 even if I'm not moving. I have based my code off of pi2go on git hub. Though no matter what the speed_float value is always 13 once converted from hex to a float.
def speed(self, oldValues):
""" Gets the speed of the vehicle """
if self.serialIO is None:
return "Serial IO not setup."
speed_list = self.serialRead()
if speed_list == -1 or speed_list == 0:
print("There is an issue with reading the speed of the vehicle.")
return 0
speed_hex = speed_list[0]
speed_float = float(int("0x" + speed_hex, 0))
print("Speed float = " + str(speed_float))
if speedFormat == "mph":
# display speed in miles per hour
#speed_float = speed_float * 0.621371
speed_float = speed_float * 1.609 - 20.917 #made it go to zero by subtracting 20.917
print("mph = " + str(speed_float))
elif speedFormat == "kph":
# display speed in kilometers per hour
print("kph = " + str(speed_float))
return speed_float
# error
print("Configuration is wrong. Please check config.py for speedFormat")
return speed_float
After I made the mph value zero it stays at zero. It never changes. The equation above that makes it something like 8.0. My issue is how do I get the actual speed.
After wasting time at work on researching this issue I was having, I found a Java open source project on git hub doing the same thing. Instead of using the first location of the list it used the second. Instead of
speed_hex = speed_list[0]
I changed it to
speed_hex = speed_list[1]
It now works correctly.