In my C++ program I spit out nodes from an XML file. I have a standard schema which may not be followed by the input file. I therefore need to map a node title with the information type which is contained within it.
#include "pugi/pugixml.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
int main()
const std::map<std::string, std::string> tagMap {
{"description", "content"}, {"url", "web_address"}
pugi::xml_document doca, docb;
std::map<std::string, pugi::xml_node> mapa, mapb;
if (!doca.load_file("a.xml") || !docb.load_file("b.xml")) {
std::cout << "Can't find input files";
return 1;
for (auto& node: doca.child("data").children("entry")) {
const char* id = node.child_value("id");
mapa[id] = node;
for (auto& node: docb.child("data").children("entry")) {
const char* idcs = node.child_value("id");
if (!mapa.erase(idcs)) {
mapb[idcs] = node;
// For removed
for (auto& ea: mapa) {
std::cout << "Removed:" << std::endl;
// For added
for (auto& eb: mapb) {
// Loop through tag map
for (auto& kv : tagMap) {
// Try to find the tag name named in second map value
// and associate it to the type of information in first map value
std::cout << "Found" << kv.first;
std::cout << "which has value" << node.child_value(kv.second)
The information I am particualy asking for help with is within for (auto& eb: mapb) {
. Here I am trying to look at the XML recevied and see if I can match the tags to names in the map (i.e content and web_address) and if so, print the value of the node, associating it to what is it (i.e description or url).
I haven't been able to test this because of this compilation error, which I don't understand because I have refered to node above:
g++ -g -Wall -std=c++11 -I include -o main src/main.cpp include/pugi/pugixml.cpp
src/main.cpp:51:38: error: use of undeclared identifier 'node'
std::cout << "which has value" << node.child_value(kv.second)
My expected output is this:
From this input
The error message is pretty clear: you didn't define node
in the scope of your output code.
When you defined the node in for (auto& node: ...)
, it's visible only in the scope of the for
It's not totally clear for me what it should be but I guess you should replace node.child_value(kv.second)
with something like eb.second.child_value(kv.second)