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How to setup sbt-native-packager in a single module project with multiple mains

I have a single module client-server project with a main for each.

I'm trying to use sbt-native-packager to generate start-script for both.


object Tactic extends Build {

  lazy val root =
    (project in file(".")).
    configs(Client, Server)
    .settings( inConfig(Client)(Defaults.configTasks) : _*)
    .settings( inConfig(Server)(Defaults.configTasks) : _*)

  lazy val Client = config("client") extend Compile
  lazy val Server = config("server") extend Compile



mainClass in Client := Some("myProject.Client")

mainClass in Server := Some("myProject.Server")


When I run client:stage the directory target/universal/stage/lib is created with all the necessary jars but the bin directory is missing. What am I doing wrong?

Subsidiary question: what is the key to set the starting script name?


  • I would recommend setting up your project as a multi-module build, instead of creating and using new configurations. I tried your multiple configuration route and it gets hairy very quickly.

    For example (I created a shared project for anything shared between client & server):

    def commonSettings(module: String) = Seq[Setting[_]](
      organization := "org.tactic",
              name := s"tactic-$module",
           version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT",
      scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
    lazy val root = (project in file(".")
      dependsOn (shared, client, server)
      aggregate (shared, client, server)
    val shared = (project
    val client = (project
      enablePlugins JavaAppPackaging
      dependsOn shared
    val server = (project
      enablePlugins JavaAppPackaging
      dependsOn shared

    Note I'm enabling sbt-native-packager's JavaAppPackaging in the client and server.

    Then run stage.

    Also, the key for the starting script name is executableScriptName.