I'm building a stackoverflow clone now, and trying to implement multiple file uploads on question and answer creation.
I'm using carrierwave with nested_form gem.
File upload on question creation works fine, but i can't make it work for answers. Here's my form for new answer:
= nested_form_for [@question, @answer], remote: true do |f|
= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object
= f.label :body
= f.text_area :body, class: 'form-control'
= f.fields_for :attachments do |field|
= field.label :file
= field.file_field :file
= field.link_to_remove "Remove this attachment"
= f.link_to_add "Moar files!", :attachments
= f.submit 'Post answer', class: 'btn btn-primary'
It works OK when I'm trying to upload single file. The name of nested file_field goes like this:
But when I click on 'Moar files' and another file field appears, it happens to be named
And thus in params I get second file tied to question, not the answer. And since request is being handled by answers_controller, second file is just being ignored.
How can I make nested_form_for name new field properly?
So I've tried to explicitly state parent object for attachments like this:
= f.fields_for :attachments, @answer.attachments do |field|
Still no luck
Turns out this is an old issue with nested_form, when it's being used more than one time on a page for two different objects with same polymorphic association.
Here data-blueprint-id conflict on Nested form for polymorphic associations is another question describing same issue. Hope it will help someone.