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Basic SignalR IMessageBus implementation

I have a service application that works pretty much like a SignalR backplane, so I thought it would be good idea to create my own IMessageBus implementation to talk with the backend, rather than roll out my own thing. The problem is that I cannot find much information about this contract. Although I have been taking a look at the code (that looks very good), I'm struggling to understand some concepts.

public interface IMessageBus
    Task Publish(Message message);
    IDisposable Subscribe(ISubscriber subscriber, string cursor, Func<MessageResult, object, Task<bool>> callback, int maxMessages, object state);
  1. Task Publish(Message message);

This one is easy, basically it must send a message to the backend. I am not worried about this one, because my app is unidirectional from server to client.

  1. IDisposable Subscribe(ISubscriber subscriber, string cursor, Func<MessageResult, object, Task<bool>> callback, int maxMessages, object state);

    • return: Despite of saying IDisposable, I have seen it always return a Subscription object, but why IDisposable?
    • subscriber identifies a connection. That connection can subscribe or unsubscribe to groups.
    • cursor: is the last received message id.
    • callback: when is this callback executed?
    • state: what is this exactly?

Can somebody explain me how this method work?


  • I would recommend to inherit from ScaleoutMessageBus (

    It provides an abstraction and encapsulates all subscription management, so it is possible to focus on a back plane implementation.

    You can also take a look on Redis base implementation ( just as example.

    If it is interesting SignalR is open source, so you can look at ScaleoutMessageBus implementation as well (

    Hope that helps.