I'm running a docker-machine to create a local docker host on OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
This following script below creates the host, then logins in remotely to run a second script which installs images which have previously been saved to local compressed files.
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox docker-stack
docker-machine docker-machine docker-stack-local
stackip="$(docker-machine ip docker-stack-local)"
sshpass -p "tcuser" scp -v -r docker_images/ docker@"${stackip}":/home/docker/
cat ssh_after.sh | docker-machine ssh ec2-01 sh
The ssh_after.sh script calls installation of the desired docker images:
cd /home/docker/test
gunzip -c anaconda_bak.tgz | docker load
gunzip -c r-base_bak.tgz | docker load
gunzip -c git_bak.tgz | docker load
gunzip -c mariadb.tgz | docker load
Unfortunately, the virtual machine volume created is too small to transfer over the files (> 1 GB).
It is a known issue: http://docs.docker.com/articles/b2d_volume_resize/
However, the solution involves calling GUI tools and is not suitable for scripting purposes.
I would like to find a way to either:
Note, a modified script works fine for other docker-machine drivers, including AWS EC2 instances.
The solution must involve installing local docker images, not pulling from a repository of any kind.
To avoid confusion, this is about getting image files into the docker host, not mounting files into a docker container instance.
You should be able to use docker-machine create --virtualbox-disk-size "35000". Add the disk size option to your build script.