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Project Management - forking from SVN main to Git as a fork with ability to rebase the svn as required

I wish to fork a project that is currently managed via SVN to Git. The SVN repo is Under this are around 8 sub-projects each of which have trunk/branch/tag directories. When I work in my IDE I actually check each out via svn separately but under a specific directory structure eg If this is how SVN shows the projects Openvpms

    • openvpms
      • Project 1 (eg openvpms) (this would be the parent project)
        • branch
        • trunk
        • tag
      • Project 2 (eg openvpms-archetype) (the parent would depend on this)
        • branch
        • trunk
        • tag

when I check them out locally I will check out the trunk to

  • MainDir
    • Project 1 (project 1 trunk)
      • src
    • Project 2 (project 2 trunk)
      • src

What I would like to do is for fork the whole setup to git, using git-svn but maintain the branchs and tags from SVn for each project.

I could create a Git repo for each project and clone each one which might be my only option, the slight concern I have here is that it would lose the obvious directory structure that exists on the svn repo.

Is there any other way to clone the entire svn repo into a single git repo and maintain the trunk/branch/tags of each subproject?

I recongnize the fact that there is a project management SE site now, but this question really pertains to the usage of git-svn to clone multiple projects each with a tag/branch/trunk structure.

When I issue

 git svn clone "svn://" \
 "C:\Users\mydirectory\OPENVPMS-Git LOCAL REPO\openvpms" \
 -T trunk -b branches -t tags

what acctually happens straight away is

Initialized empty Git repository in c:/Users/mydirectory/GIT_LOCAL_REPO/openvpms/.git/
Using higher level of URL: svn:// => svn://

So it seems git-svn goes straight back up to the parent anyway...I am just not sure how it will find all the branches and tags.

I am currently trying to use SmartGit's interface to clone the entire repo from the base url svn:// seems to take days and has locked up twice requiring a restart.


  • OK well I think I finally sorted this one in the end it comes down to using git svn Firstly I added each svn project as a remote in git by editing the .git/config file. I gave them each a different remote name and alias.

    [svn-remote "parent"]
         url = svn://
        fetch = rootproject/trunk:refs/remotes/origin/trunk
        branches = rootproject/branches/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
        tags = rootproject/tags/*:refs/remotes/origin/tags/*
    [svn-remote "subproject1"]
        url = svn://localhost/rootproject
        fetch = subproject1/trunk:refs/remotes/subproject1/trunk
        branches = subproject1/branches/*:refs/remotes/subproject1/*
        tags = subproject1/tags/*:refs/remotes/subproject1/tags/*
    [svn-remote "subproject2"]
        url = svn://localhost/rootproject
        fetch = subproject2/trunk:refs/remotes/subproject2/trunk
        branches = subproject2/branches/*:refs/remotes/subproject2/*
        tags = subproject2/tags/*:refs/remotes/subproject2/tags/*
    [svn-remote "subproject3"]
        url = svn://localhost/openvpms
        fetch = subproject3/trunk:refs/remotes/subproject3/trunk
        branches = subproject3/branches/*:refs/remotes/subproject3/*
        tags = subproject3/tags/*:refs/remotes/subproject3/tags/*


    then I ran

    git svn fetch --all

    This checked out each project into the root of the git repo Now to restructure I checked out

    git checkout origin/trunk

    then ran for each sub project

    git merge -s ours --no-commit subproject1/master <2>
    git read-tree --prefix=subproject1/ -u subproject1/master <3>
    git commit -m "Merge subproject1 as our subdirectory" <4>

    I now had a project that looked like

    |    |-src
    |    |-pom.xml
    |    |-src
    |    |-pom.xml
    |    |-src
    |    |-pom.xml


    Now I think I can still run

    git fetch --all

    then run

    git pull -s subtree subproject1 trunk

    to update and pull changes from the base svn repos..however given this represents a move to stay with git while keeping all the svn history this should work for me.