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how to use gotoxy function instead of clrscr

Doing first project and it's tetris; Now I'm doing the animation part, but I have a problem with clearing the screen, I've tried :

void clrscr() 

It worked but it kept flashing the screen, is there a way using gotoxy function instead of clrscr on same purpose?

I'm using windows console system 32, on visual studio 2008.


  • system("cls") executes a shell command to clear the screen. This is tremendously innefficient and definitievly not for game programming.

    Unfortunately screen I/O is system dependent. As you refer to "cls" and not to "clear", I guess you're working with windows console:

    • If you have a function gotoxy(), it's possible to position on one line after the other and print a lot of spaces. It's not ultra performant, but it's an approach. This SO question provides gotoxy() alternatves, as it's a non-standard function.

    • This microsoft support recommendation provides a more performant alternative to clear the screen on Windows, using the winapi console functions such as GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(), FillConsoleOutputCharacter() and SetConsoleCursorPosition().


    I understand that you use character based output, as you write a console app and not a full featured win32 graphic app.

    You can then adapt the code provided above, by clearing only a part of the console:

    void console_clear_region (int x, int y, int dx, int dy, char clearwith = ' ')
        HANDLE hc = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);  // get console handle 
        CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi;        // screen buffer information
        DWORD chars_written;                    // count successful output
        GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hc, &csbi);      // Get screen info & size 
        GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hc, &csbi);      // Get current text display attributes
        if (x + dx > csbi.dwSize.X)                 // verify maximum width and height
            dx = csbi.dwSize.X - x;                 // and adjust if necessary
        if (y + dy > csbi.dwSize.Y)
            dy = csbi.dwSize.Y - y;
        for (int j = 0; j < dy; j++) {              // loop for the lines 
            COORD cursor = { x, y+j };              // start filling 
            // Fill the line part with a char (blank by default)
            FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hc, TCHAR(clearwith),
                dx, cursor, &chars_written);
            // Change text attributes accordingly 
            FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hc, csbi.wAttributes,
                dx, cursor, &chars_written);
        COORD cursor = { x, y };
        SetConsoleCursorPosition(hc, cursor);  // set new cursor position

    Edit 2:

    And in addition, here two cusor positionning function that you can mix with standard cout output:

    void console_gotoxy(int x, int y)
        HANDLE hc = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);  // get console handle 
        COORD cursor = { x, y };
        SetConsoleCursorPosition(hc, cursor);  // set new cursor position
    void console_getxy(int& x, int& y)
        HANDLE hc = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);  // get console handle 
        CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi;        // screen buffer information
        GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hc, &csbi);      // Get screen info & size 
        x = csbi.dwCursorPosition.X;
        y = csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y;