For example, I've parent class Author:
class Author {
String name
static hasMany = [
fiction: Book,
nonFiction: Book
and a child class Book:
class Book {
String title
static belongsTo = [author: Author]
I've done some records to Author using:
def fictBook = new Book(title: "IT")
def nonFictBook = new Book(title: "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft")
def a = new Author(name: "Stephen King")
How can I found child-class record by parent and parent-class record by child?
I tried to use findBy method, as below:
def book = Book.get(1)
def author = Author.findByFiction(book)
But I get an error:
Parameter "#2" is not set; SQL statement:
I read, what in some relationship findBy is denied for using, how I can rewrite it using criteria or some others methods?
When you add this belongsTo
static belongsTo = [author: Author]
this triggers the addition of a property named author
of type Author
(by an AST transform during compilation), effectively like declaring
Author author
but don't do that, it'd be redundant.
So if you have a book, it's Author
is accessible via that property:
def book = Book.get(1)
def author =