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how to use mongodb query option in monk nodejs

I have a collection name projects and I am trying to retrieve everything except its url like this query


This query is working perfectly and returning everything except url but my question is how to achieve this in Node module for MongoDB name monk.

I am using this code but its not working and returning every field:

var projs = db.get('projects');
projs.find({creator : req.session.user._id},{url:0}, function (err,data) {
    if(!err) {                                                            
        res.locals.projs = data;
        res.render("projects.ejs",{title: "Projects | Bridge"});          

I did not get where the problem is, please help and thanks in advance :)

Sample document:

    "name" : "arisha",
    "date" : {
        "day" : 18,
        "month" : 4,
        "year" : 2015
    "creator" : "552edb6f8617322203701ad1",
    "url" : "EyjPdYoW",
    "members" : [
    "_id" : ObjectId("5532994ba8ffdca31258bd1a")


  • To exclude the url field in monk, try the following syntax:

    var db = require('monk')('localhost/mydb');
    var projs = db.get('projects');
    projs.find({ creator : req.session.user._id }, "-url", function (err, data) {
      // exclude url field


    To exclude multiple fields, use the following projection syntax:

    projs.find({ creator : req.session.user._id }, { fields: { url: 0, creator: 0 } }, function(err, data) {      
       // exclude the fields url and creator

    Alternatively (as you had discovered), you could also do:

    projs.find({ creator : req.session.user._id }, "-url -creator", function (err, data) {
          // exclude url and creator fields