Is it possible to measure the CPU and memory for one specific process with dstat? There is possiblilities to measure the most consuming CPU with --top-cputime
but is it possible to measure a specific one?
I want to write to a file with --output to make a graph of it later, not with ">" operator.
You can use command | grep specific_text
for example test dstat | grep puppet
to saving output result in a log file you have two options :
using --output file
dstat --time --cpu --top-cputime --output /tmp/dstat.log | grep puppet
using command > file
dstat --time --cpu --top-cputime > /tmp/dstat.log | grep puppet
for appendind logs :
dstat --time --cpu --top-cputime >> /tmp/dstat.log | grep puppet
here is screenshots of both commands
According to your comments may these commands helps you :
(1) save stats in a file dstat --time --cpu --top-cputime --output my.log
(2) apply filtering to log file and save results to file cat my.log | grep httpd > myhttpd.log
(3) final results cat myhttpd.log
see the screenshot of results here