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Odoo/Open ERP Customer Wizard

I'm new to Odoo and I need some help. I've created a wizard to be displayed on the res.partner page which lists/shows all of the customers. However, I don't know what addon folder to add the wizard.

I realize that I have to create my init file, but that's easy once I know where this is supposed to go. Any thoughts would be greatly helpful. Thank you!


  • (1) You can use existing "partner" or "partner/wizard" directory... Just add import your_custom_wiz to same directory and append 'your_custom_wiz_view.xml' to in 'update_xml': list


    (2) add your own addons direcotry contining your custom "partner" module, where you can put your wizard. Note that this option mean that you will have to:

    • add your addons dir to openerp .conf file as addons_path = /home/some_user/your_installation_directory/odoo_8.0/openerp/my_addons,

    • install your custom "partner" module to db

    Second (2) option is better and more accurate