This code, returned hrefs to content, now I want to extract content form this hrefs and sent it to my view. Name divs which I need to extract:
<div class="c_pad">
<div class="c_label">
<span class="std_header2">Contact:</span>
<div class="c_name">
<span class="std_text_b">Monkey</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="c_pad">
<div class="c_label">
<span class="std_header2">Phone number:</span>
<div class="c_phone">
<span class="std_text_b">001111111</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
for($i=0; $i <= 1; $i++)
$p = new Client();
$d = $p->request('GET', ''.$link.'&std=1&results='. $i);
$n = $d->filter('a[class="o_title"]')->each(function ($node)
$pp = new Client();
$dd = $pp->request('GET', $node->attr('href'));
$kk = $dd->filter('div[id="adv_desc"]')->each(function ($tekst) { echo $node->attr('href').'<br>'.$tekst->text();
You want to filter specific tags with attributes.
But you are using $d->filter('a[class="o_title"]')
This filters the tag a
with the attribute class="o_title"
. And that's not part of your content.
You simply need to adjust your node filter to select the correct elements.
Use the jQuery Selectors Syntax:
Referencing the documentation of Symfony's DomCrawler, which is used by Goutte: