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favicon.ico not working on chrome, firefox. working on a few pages in IE

i have a favicon.ico in my webroot folder according to this piece of code

<link rel="icon" href="<?php echo $this->webroot;?>favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo $this->webroot;?>favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />

and i use this in my header to make it appear on all the pages.

<?php echo $html->meta('icon', 'favicon.ico'); ?>

The site am working on is -----> this.

What can possibly be wrong ? It works in 3 pages on IE. On firefox and chrome, it works only for homepage, not others.

Please let me know what i should do.


  • You ought to just use href="/favicon.ico". If you notice the source of, for example, your reference to favicon.ico resolves to, which is a 404 error page.