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Combinatoric / cartesian product of Numpy arrays without iterators and/or loop(s)

The following code

import numpy as np
import itertools

a_p1 = np.arange(0, 4, 1)
a_p2 = np.arange(20, 25, 1)

params = itertools.product(a_p1, a_p2)
for (p1, p2) in params:
    print(p1, p2)


(0, 20) (0, 21) (0, 22) (0, 23) (0, 24) (1, 20) (1, 21) (1, 22) (1, 23) (1, 24) (2, 20) (2, 21) (2, 22) (2, 23) (2, 24) (3, 20) (3, 21) (3, 22) (3, 23) (3, 24)

2 nested for loops can also outputs same results

for i, p1 in enumerate(a_p1):
    for j, p2 in enumerate(a_p2):
        print(p1, p2)

I'm looking for a solution to directly output a Numpy array with such combination (a Numpy array of tuples).

Is there a way to generate such a Numpy array without iterators and/or for loop(s) ?

I'm aware that such a solution will be more memory consuming than using iterators.


  • Install Scikit-Learn

    from sklearn.utils.extmath import cartesian
    print cartesian([a_p1, a_p2])

    It should output

    [[ 0 20]
     [ 0 21]
     [ 0 22]
     [ 0 23]
     [ 0 24]
     [ 1 20]
     [ 1 21]
     [ 1 22]
     [ 1 23]
     [ 1 24]
     [ 2 20]
     [ 2 21]
     [ 2 22]
     [ 2 23]
     [ 2 24]
     [ 3 20]
     [ 3 21]
     [ 3 22]
     [ 3 23]
     [ 3 24]]

    This solution was taken from a similar question: Using numpy to build an array of all combinations of two arrays