I'm working with a geographic point using lat/long and need to find other points in our database within a 5 mile radius of that point. However, I can't seem to find out what the "units" are for STBuffer, it doesn't seem to conform to feet, miles, meters, kilometers, etc. The documentation only refers to them as "units", any suggestions? Thanks
[...] from geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(x y)', 4326).STBuffer(z).STIntersects(geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(' + CAST(v.Longitude as varchar(max)) + ' ' + CAST(v.Latitude as varchar(max)) + ')', 4326)) = 1
STBuffer is in meters. More info here.
To convert, miles to meters, divide the number of miles by 0.0006213712
(i.e. 5 miles / 0.0006213712 = 8,046.72 meters)