I have a date that is stored as a number that is 201401. I would like to subtract 1 month, so that is 201312 and not 201400.
Also, if there is a more efficient way, please suggest as well. I also have the date stored as 01Jan2014, and would be fine converting the SAS date at that point, so that I can create two new columns (with 1 month subtracted) so that they have the value 01Dec2013 and 201312. Also, a function for incrementing the month forward or backward would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
If you store the date as a SAS date, you can use the function intnx to increment it by whatever period you like.
newdate = intnx('Month',olddate,1,'s');
If you store it as an integer like your original, you're on your own to figure that out. My answer: don't.