I'm writing an app for instant messaging aaand I'm stuck.
I am able to read data (dictionary) from plist that's on my dropbox, but I can't modify it from my app, what is a thing I actually want to achieve.
Here is how I read the online .plist file:
NSDictionary *wholePlist;
wholePlist = [[NSDictionary alloc]initWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cfpree9see19t00/users.plist"]]];
self.allUsers = [wholePlist objectForKey:@"allUsers"];
} //self.allUsers is NSDictionary, also.
And this is how I am trying to save it if I change it
- (IBAction)registerButtonPressed:(UIButton *)sender {
NSString *username = self.usernameTextField.text;
NSString *password = self.setPassTextField.text;
NSMutableArray *myContacts = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
NSMutableArray *inbox = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
NSDictionary *user = [[NSDictionary alloc]initWithObjects:@[username, password, myContacts, inbox] forKeys:@[@"username",@"pass",@"myContacts",@"inbox"]];
if ([user isEqualToDictionary:[self.allUsers objectForKey:username]]) {
[[[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@"Registration error" message:@"Username already taken. Please, choose another username." delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:@"OK", nil]show];
} else {
NSURL *plistURL = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cfpree9see19t00/users.plist"]];
[self.allUsers setValue:user forKey:username];
[self.allUsers writeToURL:plistURL atomically:YES];
If I do it locally/offline (in some folder inside my Mac or app directory) using writeToFile:
it works. When I use writeToURL:
it doesn't work.
My questions are:
Instant messaging applications are almost always best done using sockets
. I'd HIGHLY recommend against using a file on a server to read and write from. While it's possible, you're asking for a world of pain and slugish-ness.
So to answer your questions in a striaght forward manner:
here: http://socket.io/get-started/chat/Let me know if you have any questions.