(See my answer below. Leaving this up in case it helps someone else.)
What follows is a series of attempts to dump a query to an outfile on a new FreeBSD box that my site has moved to. The results are the same if I log in as me or if I log in as root. I hope the style isn't too annoying. I have my comments commented out around the actual code and output.
// try to dump query to my home dir
SELECT pmr.datetime_requested,
print_mailing_request pmr,
personal_info nfo
nfo.person = pmr.person AND
pmr.datetime_requested >= "2010-01-01 00:00:00" AND
(pmr.print_mailing = 31 OR pmr.print_mailing = 30)
ORDER BY pmr.datetime_requested INTO OUTFILE '/usr/home/david/x';
ERROR 1 (HY000): Can't create/write to file '/usr/home/david/x' (Errcode: 2)
// tried creating file first with touch and even chmod 077 file // but same error each time
// OK, lets try /tmp
SELECT pmr.datetime_requested,
print_mailing_request pmr,
personal_info nfo
nfo.person = pmr.person AND
pmr.datetime_requested >= "2010-01-01 00:00:00" AND
(pmr.print_mailing = 31 OR pmr.print_mailing = 30)
ORDER BY pmr.datetime_requested INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/x';
Query OK, 24654 rows affected (0.78 sec)
// so let's look at the file
less /tmp/x
/tmp/x: No such file or directory
// Log back into mysql and try same query again
ERROR 1086 (HY000): File '/tmp/x' already exists
ls /tmp
20100325180233.gtg2010.csv 20100330094652.gtg2010.csv
20100325180448.gtg2010.csv 2010_Q1_UNO.csv
20100325181446.gtg2010.csv 4724.csv
20100325181927.gtg2010.csv aprbUfvxp
20100326003002.gtg2010.csv dave.txt
20100327003002.gtg2010.csv etr.xml
20100328003002.gtg2010.csv mysql.sock
// No file x.
// If I run query with no INTO OUTFILE I see 24000+ rows of
| 2010-04-04 13:27:09 | 33156 |
| 2010-04-04 13:27:10 | 33156 |
| 2010-04-04 13:30:04 | NE38 8SR |
| 2010-04-04 14:27:03 | 00901 |
| 2010-04-04 14:37:04 | 75001 |
| 2010-04-04 14:53:05 | 78640 |
| 2010-04-04 15:15:03 | 07410 |
| 2010-04-04 15:27:04 | 43235 |
// So I know it isn't the query...
// Advice?
Doh! When I log into mysql on this machine my connection string has an IP address in it. /tmp as far as mysql is concerned is not on the machine I am logged into...
so I solved problem by using mysql -e
mysql -h my.db.com -u usrname--password=pass db_name -e 'SELECT foo FROM bar' > /tmp/myfile.txt