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Send CLR stored procedure results in email

I need to send the results of a CLR stored procedure (I am not able to alter the sproc / clr assembly) as HTML with email. Is there a posibility to capture and format the resultset of the sproc (to email it) without using temp tables or other kind of persisting?


  •   USE msdb
      EXEC sp_send_dbmail
      @profile_name = 'MailProfile1',  --you will need to create this profile in the Database Mail under Management
      @recipients = '[email protected]',
      @subject = 'CLR Sproc Resultset',
      @body = 'Resultset is attached.',
      @execute_query_database = '[DatabaseName]',
      @query = 'exec [DatabaseName].[SchemaName].[CLRProcName]'  

    Try this out, hopefully it should get what you need.