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Displaying big numbers in xtable properly

I know it might seem as a trivial question but I tried really hard to find solution and it was impossible. Assume I have a data frame like this where one column contatins big numbers:

Id    Value
1     2158456456456.78
2     123354554.24
3     72323211215.77

I want to put that data frame into latex document using function xtable but I don't want the table to display the numbers like above but in a formatted way like this:

Id                   Value
1     2 158 456 456 456.78
2           123 354 554.24
3        72 323 211 215.77

Any ideas?


  • you can try

    options(scipen = 100) # to remove exponential notation
    df$val <- prettyNum(df$Value,  big.mark=" ")
      Id         Value               val
    1  1 2158456456457 2 158 456 456 457
    2  2     123354554       123 354 554
    3  3   72323211216    72 323 211 216

    'scipen': A penalty to be applied when deciding to print numeric values in fixed or exponential notation.