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Proper way to shut down socket server in WinForms application?

I'm working on a basic socket server in C# that needs to run as part of a Windows Forms application. I started with the asynchronous socket server code from MSDN. Like many socket server code samples, this one is a console mode application. Here's a sample of the StartListening() method that gets called from Main():

public static void StartListening()
    // data buffer for incoming data
    byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];

    IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(serverIpAddress);
    IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, portNumber);

    // create TCP/IP socket
    Socket serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

    // bind socket to the local endpoint and listen for incoming connections

        while (true)
            // set the allDone ManualResetEvent to nonsignaled state

            // start an asynchronous socket to listen for connections
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for a connection...");
            serverSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback), serverSocket);

            // wait until a connection is made before continuing

    catch (Exception e)

    Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to continue...");

As you can see, there's a while(true) loop in there which uses a ManualResetEvent to wait until a client connection is established before entering the next iteration of the while loop. I'm not sure why they included the Console.WriteLine(\n"Press ENTER to continue...") statement since there's no way to break out of the while(true) loop.

Anyway, in thinking about converting this into a WinForms application, I would obviously need to run the server on another thread but when the user closes my application, I want to make sure that the socket server gets shutdown "properly". My best guess at what that means is closing any open client connections, breaking out of the listening loop and then shutting down the server socket (not necessarily in that order).

I've seen some suggestions that recommend just making the server thread a background thread and letting it get destroyed when the application is shutdown but that doesn't seem very "clean". If, for example, a client is connected and sending data when the application is closed, what does that do to the client? Can anyone suggest a "best practice" with regard to shutting down a socket server properly?


  • Actually you don't need a thread, cause you're already listening asynchronously.

    Just call serverSocket.BeginAccept again at the end of AcceptCallback. Then the shutdown of your server reduces to serverSocket.Close() (obviously, serverSocket needs to be a class field).

    Finally, in AcceptCallback you would need to catch the exception of EndAccept. That, btw, is the reason, why there's Console.Writeline and Console.Readkey in the example: it's executed when an exception occurs.