I want to create a runner to activate a virtualenv and run python code in it. Below configuration doesn't work:
// Create a custom Cloud9 runner - similar to the Sublime build system
// For more information see https://docs.c9.io/custom_runners.html
"cmd" : ["source /home/p2/bin/activate && python", "$file", "$args"],
"info" : "Started $project_path$file_name",
"env" : {},
"selector" : "*\.py"
I found a solution :)
// Create a custom Cloud9 runner - similar to the Sublime build system
// For more information see https://docs.c9.io/custom_runners.html
"cmd" : ["/home/p2/bin/python", "$file", "$args"],
"info" : "Started $project_path$file_name",
"env" : {},
"selector" : "^*\\.py$"