I'm trying to create a HAVING clause with and AND in it and it creates a WHERE clause of it.
I tested it out and it seems like the problem only occurs when I have an AND or an OR.
Here you can see a simplified version of the code (both parts of the AND restriction is the same, just to simplify the problem).
eventQuery = eventQuery.Where(
Restrictions.LeProperty( Projections.Property( () => aEvent.StartDate.End ), Projections.Max( () => aMeeting.Duration.Start ) ),
Projections.Max( () => aMeeting.Duration.Start ),
Projections.Property( () => aEvent.StartDate.End ) ),
DateTime.Now ),
Restrictions.LeProperty( Projections.Property( () => aEvent.StartDate.End ), Projections.Max( () => aMeeting.Duration.Start ) ),
Projections.Max( () => aMeeting.Duration.Start ),
Projections.Property( () => aEvent.StartDate.End ) ),
DateTime.Now ) )
Do you guys have any idea?
This problem doesn't seem to have a solution so we decided to create a View of this query instead so we can map it to a model and write the QueryOver with a Where clause against the selected-calculated fields.