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vb decompile and retrieving login

I'm struggling with finding the right login and password for this VB application..... I already tried : IDA,Olly,vb decompliler (code paste from there) and more... Maybe someone could help me find it or just give me an advice how to.(This is not a commercial app just a exercise I'm unable to complete :(.)

Code decompiled :

Private Sub Command1_Click() '402AA0
  var_eax = arg_8.AddRef 'Ignore this
  On Error Resume Next
  var_eax = Form1.Text1 'Ignore this
  var_A4 = Text1.Text
  var_B0 = var_A4
  var_90 = var_A4
  var_eax = Form1.Text2 'Ignore this
  var_A4 = Text2.Text
  var_40 = var_A4
  var_ret_1 = (Len(var_90) = "")
  var_ret_2 = (Len(var_40) = "")
  call Or(var_F8, var_ret_2, var_ret_1, arg_8, arg_8, 00000001h, edi, %ecx = %S_edx_S, arg_8)
  If CBool(Or(var_F8, var_ret_2, var_ret_1, arg_8, arg_8, 00000001h, edi, var_E8 = %S_edx_S, arg_8)) Then
  var_eax = Call Form1.clearoff
  var_B8 = Len(var_90)
  If (var_B8 <> 6) Then
  var_eax = Call Form1.clearoff
  var_50 = vbNullString
  For var_A0 = "" To Len(var_90) - 1 Step 1 
  If var_180 Then
      var_120 = vbNullString
      If (var_50 = vbNullString) Then
        var_E8 = Mid(var_90, CLng(Len(var_90) - var_A0), 1)
       var_A4 = CStr(var_E8)
        var_F0 = Asc(var_A4)
        var_50 = Str(Asc(var_A4))
        call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000003h, 2, var_E8, 2)
        GoTo loc_00403074
     End If
     var_E8 = Mid(var_90, CLng(Len(var_90) - var_A0), 1)
      var_A4 = CStr(var_E8)
      var_F0 = Asc(var_A4)
      var_108 = Str(Asc(var_A4))
      var_118 = var_50 & var_108
     var_50 = var_118
      call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000004h, 2, var_E8, 2, var_108)
      'Referenced from: 00402F7E
    Next var_A0
    GoTo loc_00402E6B
  End If
  var_A0 = Len(var_50)
  var_30 = Str(116)
  call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVar(var_180, var_190)
  var_C8 = Str(114)
  var_30 = var_30 + var_C8
  call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000002h, 2, var_C8)
  var_C8 = Str(97)
  var_30 = var_30 + var_C8
  call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000002h, 2, var_C8)
  var_C8 = Str(117)
  var_30 = var_30 + var_C8
  call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000002h, 2, var_C8)
  var_C8 = Str(116)
  var_30 = var_30 + var_C8
  call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000002h, 2, var_C8)
  var_C8 = Str(83)
  var_30 = var_30 + var_C8
  call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000002h, 2, var_C8)
  If (var_50 <> var_30) Then
  var_eax = Call Form1.clearoff
  For var_A0 = 1 To Len(var_90) Step 1
   If var_A0 Then
      var_C8 = Mid(var_90, CLng(var_A0), 1)
      call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000002h, 2, var_C8)
     var_70 = var_70 & Hex(Asc(CStr(var_C8)))
     call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVar
    Next var_A0
    GoTo loc_0040338A
  End If
  For var_A0 = Len(var_70) To 1 Step -1
   If var_1D0 Then
     var_C8 = Mid(var_70, CLng(var_A0), 1)
      ebx = IsNumeric(var_C8) + 1
      call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000002h, 2, var_C8, var_1A0, var_1B0)
      If IsNumeric(var_C8) + 1 Then
      var_A4 = CStr(Mid(var_70, CLng(var_A0), 1))
      var_130 = Asc(var_A4)
       var_60 = var_60 & Asc(var_A4)
       GoTo loc_0040368C
     End If
      var_C8 = Mid(var_70, CLng(var_A0), 1)
      var_60 = var_60 & var_C8
     'Referenced from: 0040361A
     call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000002h, var_B8, var_C8, 00000002h, var_B8, var_C8)
    Next var_A0
    GoTo loc_004034FB
  End If
 If (var_40 = var_60) Then
    var_120 = "Welcome "
    var_130 = ", Remote access link to Mod-X terminal created"
    call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000005h, var_B8, var_C8, var_D8, var_E8, var_F8, var_1C0, var_1D0)
    GoTo loc_004037D6
  End If
 var_eax = Call Form1.clearoff
 'Referenced from: 004037AB
 var_eax = Call Form1.clearoff
 If Call Form1.clearoff < 0 Then
  Call Form1.clearoff = CheckObj(arg_8, var_00402174, 1784)
 Exit Sub
 GoTo loc_0040386E
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000007, var_B8, var_C8, var_D8, var_E8, var_F8, var_108, var_118, var_004038D8)
 Exit Sub
 'Referenced from: 00403817
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000006, var_180, var_190, var_1A0, var_1B0, var_1C0, var_1D0)
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVar
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVar
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVar
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVar
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVar
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVar
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVar
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVar
End Sub
Public Sub clearoff() '403900
 var_eax = arg_8.AddRef 'Ignore this
 var_34 = "Failed"
 var_24 = "Incorrect. Verification failed."
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000004, var_24, var_34, var_44, var_54, 00000008h, %ecx = %S_edx_S, 0000000Ah)
 GoTo loc_004039EC
 call undef 'Ignore this '__vbaFreeVarList(00000004, var_24, var_34, var_44, var_54, var_004039ED)
 Exit Sub
 'Referenced from: 004039CE
End Sub


  • So, without the program to test it, it appears...

    Login: Stuart

    Password: 472716574735

    The first part merely reverses the input for the login text box and compares it to "trautS" (Ascii chars: 116,114,97,117,116,83), and if it doesn't match, then it clears the form. So the login must be Stuart.

    Password: var_70 is a hex string of the login

    83,116,117,97,114,116 => 537475617274

    Then it loops over var_70 in reverse, looking for non-numeric values, which it then grabs a string representation of the number and adds it to the total, otherwise it just puts the number on the final (var_60).

    The password appears to just be a hex string of the login name.

    Edit: Found a flaw in my logic.