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How to change pagination text or symbols in footable?

I am using footable to display table which is populated dynamically. I wanted to customize pagination provided by footable. The pagination symbol for navigating to the first and last page needs to be changed as shown below:

  • Navigating to first page : change from “<<” to “|<”.
  • Navigating to last page : change from “>>” to “>|”.

I tried the following code. But there was no change in the symbols.

<table class="table footable no-border" data-page-navigation=".pagination" data-page-size="10" data-page-first-text="|<">


  • The documentation is wrong (I've done a pull request to correct this though)

    You should use:


    <table class="table footable no-border" data-page-navigation=".pagination" data-page-size="10" data-first-text="|<">