I think git bisect
requires too much typing.
To check the last N commits I have to do:
user@host> git bisect start HEAD HEAD~10
user@host> git bisect run py.test -k test_something
c8bed9b56861ea626833637e11a216555d7e7414 is the first bad commit
commit c8bed9b56861ea626833637e11a216555d7e7414
Author: ...
Date: Thu Apr 16 16:52:41 2015 +0200
- Commitmessage: ....
user@host> git bisect reset
It would be nice to have this in one command
git bisect --start HEAD~10 run py.test -k test_something
With one command I don't mean a shell line separated by semicolons :-)
Looking at the documentation is not possibile, but maybe you can find useful this project grosser/git-autobisect if you have a test to run.