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facebook number of page views using facebook graph api

I'm using this url for facebook graph api to get page views, and get the following in return:

    "data": [],
    "paging": {
        "previous": "",
        "next": ""

in some queries date time error that must be unix or date time format. I can share you my access token. I urgently need number of page views and also tell me since and until format


  •     function p_view()
                    FB.api("/144765045682596/insights/page_views?period=day&since=1427846400&until=1429142400", function (response) {
                        for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
                            var thread =[i].values;
                            var s=13;
                            //if (thread.values[13] == thread.values[i])
                            var tm = thread[s].end_time;
                            var th = thread[s].value;
                            document.getElementById('datev').innerHTML = tm;
                            document.getElementById('viewers').innerHTML = th;
                            //    var values = thread.values;
                            //    //var comment = thread.