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What does an NFA with epsilon transitions let us do?

I have the following automaton. I am supposed to understand the use of empty transitions through it. NFA with empty transition

I think that the regular expression of this automaton is the following: 0* 1* 2*

I just want to know what this automaton lets us do? in other words what is the use of empty transitions in that case?


  • i think u want to know about difference between this..

    enter image description here

    and this

    enter image description here

    difference is first first automaton accept string of 0,1 and 2 of anything... while second automaton accepts string of 0,1 and 2 of...0 followed by 1,1 followed by 2.... ex. it accepts 012,001122,0012,0112 etc. it won't accept 102,201,0121,0120,0011221.

    so empty transitions make it nice and easy...