I'm trying to use thrift to relalize communication between nodejs client and Java server
Thrift offer different kinds of java server which have been implemented · TSimpleServer · TNonblockingServer · THsHaServer · TThreadedSelectorServer · TThreadPoolServer
I have successfully used nodejs client to call the function in TTSimpleServer and TThreadPoolServer which both use TServerSocket to initialize
TServerSocket serverTransport = new TServerSocket(9090);
CalculatorService.Processor<CalculatorImpl> processor = new CalculatorService.Processor<CalculatorImpl>(
new CalculatorImpl());
TThreadPoolServer.Args args = new TThreadPoolServer.Args(serverTransport).processor(processor);
TServer server = new TThreadPoolServer(new TThreadPoolServer.Args(
System.out.println("Starting server on port 9090 ...");
but when I try to use TNonblockingServer,TThreadedSelectorServer and THaHsServer , I came acrross following error in nodejs client
{ [Error: read ECONNRESET] code: 'ECONNRESET', errno: 'ECONNRESET', syscall: 'read' }
I realized that this may be caused by TNonblockingSocket, is there any method to use nodejs communicate with TNonblockingSocket
TNonblockingServerTransport serverTransport = new TNonblockingServerSocket(
CalculatorService.Processor<CalculatorImpl> processor = new CalculatorService.Processor<CalculatorImpl>(
new CalculatorImpl());
TServer server = new TThreadedSelectorServer(new TThreadedSelectorServer.Args(
System.out.println("Starting server on port 9090 ...");
} catch (TTransportException e)
my nodejs client code is as follow
var thrift = require('thrift');
var ThriftTransports = require('thrift/transport');
var ThriftProtocols = require('thrift/protocol');
var Calculator = require('./gen-nodejs/CalculatorService.js');
var ttypes = require('./gen-nodejs/tutorial_types');
transport = ThriftTransports.TFramedTransport();
protocol = ThriftProtocols.TBinaryProtocol();
var connection = thrift.createConnection("localhost", 9090, {
transport : transport,
protocol : protocol
connection.on('error', function(err) {
// Create a Calculator client with the connection
var client = thrift.createClient(Calculator, connection);
client.send_print(1,1, function(err, response) {
console.log("send_print result:" + response);
Well , I just found the answer This problem is truly caused by TTFramedTransport i found even when I use this in my code
transport = ThriftTransports.TFramedTransport();
the transport seems not successfully been assigned TFramedTransport
I just try this way
transport = require('./node_modules/thrift/framed_transport.js')
it succeeded
I am not familiar with node.js , maybe I figure out why this happen later