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Disable migration report in VisualStudio


I normally download a lot of 3rd party source codes to examine them and learn new things.


I'm using VS2013, and everytime that I open an old Visual Studio solution it automatically updgrades the project and then shows an html report on my default web-browser.


Is there an automated way to disable the reporting? (not the migration operation, just the reporting)

I didn't found any option in Visual Studio to disable the reporting, but maybe could look into other approach in case of that thing is set via registry to hack it to fully disable the web-browser reporting or open the report file in notepad for example?.


  • As far as I know, there is no way to disable the upgrade log from opening when opening an old solution in a newer version of Visual Studio (that isn't from a backwards compatible version).

    However, if you open the developer command prompt and run:

    C:\dev\proj>devenv /upgrade thesolution.sln

    Then it will do the upgrade without causing the upgrade log to actually open.

    Then you just have to wait for VS to load. I'm not sure which is the lesser of two evils here.