Here is my Meteor code snippet -
As you can see, in should write your current location in the <p>
tag (you can check if res[0].formatted_address
has any data by opening browser console - it should contain your current location).
But for some reason <p>
remains empty.
Problems begin in the navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition
callback - if I modify the code, so the data is returned outside the callback - data goes to the <p>
location: ->
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition (position) ->
if GoogleMaps.loaded()
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder()
geocoder.geocode {'latLng': new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude)}, (res, status) ->
console.log res[0].formatted_address
return 123
I tried to play with Session
variables, and it worked -, but why information from the callback is not going to the template, and how to fix it?
Thats because the res[0].formatted_address
is not reactive data like a Session variable.
and at the time the helpers return res[0].formatted_address
to the template the value is ''.
You can check it like this.
var test = res[0].formatted_address
if test != ''
console.log 'hi iam a non reactive value and also im returning nothing'
console.log "yea my response is " + res[0].formatted_address
And ofc you will get the first console.log because at the moment you return the value to the template the value is ''
The Session variable works, since the Session is a reactive data, and also the helper run assyncronus, so first the helper look for the Session.get('location')
wich value is ''
but some seconds leater when the callback on the geolocation finish the value of the session is diferrent and the computation of the helper reruns the function and it return the value.