I'd like to download GTA V for PC. The download is extremely slow (40kb/s), but when you click pause and then start it again downloads with 5,5mb/s for 1 minute.
I want to write a script for it in AutoIt.
But how i can focus the window AND work on in the foreground.
The window info of the download manager (mouse pointed at the button) https://i.sstatic.net/ry5dq.png
My script looks like this at the moment:
While 1
; Here, the focus has to go, right?
MouseClick ( "primary" [, 637, 460 [, clicks = 1 [, speed = 0]]] )
MouseClick ( "primary" [, 637, 460 [, clicks = 1 [, speed = 0]]] )
Ensure that you got right coords from Autoit Window Info screenshot
Try to use WinActivate() and ControlClick() (in that choice the mouse is not used) :
While 1
$hwnd = WinActivate('Launcher')
MouseClick ( "primary",637 ,460) ; with mouse coords
ControlClick ( $hwnd, "", "[CLASS:AfxWnd110su; INSTANCE:2]") ;... and without mouse
WinSetState ( $hwnd, "", @SW_MINIMIZE ); Minimaze the Launcher