Is there a way for me to use a dll that come from a VB6 application o VSC++ without the header file? I have the dll and the .lib and was trying to do the following for loading the dll.
FunctionCalledType calledPTR = NULL;
hDLL = LoadLibrary(_T("called.dll"));
if (hDLL == NULL) {
std::cerr << "DLL called.dll could not be found!";
return 2;
calledPTR = (FunctionCalledType)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "FunctionCalled");
if (NULL != calledPTR)
std::cout << "Got Function";
calledPTR("", "fileA.txt");
std::cerr << "Didn't got function";
return 3;
return 0;
The code runs fine but i get a memory access error on
calledPTR("", "fileA.txt");
in which FunctionCalledType is defined as follow:
typedef string(CALLBACK* FunctionCalledType)(string, string);
And the VB6 code that generated the dll is the following :
Public Function FunctionCalled(src As String, dest As String) As String
//Some code
End Function
I guess my pointer to the function is on the wrong format, or i am including the dll on the wrong way
These are the 4 exported functions a VB6.dll has.
If your code is in a class module you create a object based on VB6's class module then call the function as a method.
It's good you don't want to learn COM. There is almost no chance of this working.